Links are created using the a (for anchor) tag. A destination is determined as well as what will actually be used as the link, whether it be text, a picture, a menu, or anything else otherwise specified.The most common attributes within the a tag are href, for the destination, and target, allowing the link to open in a different window/frame etc.
A typical line of code will look like this:
<a href=””> Homestarrunner </a>
Here, the href points to the site After the a tag opens, the word Homestarrunner becomes the link to be clicked, thereafter closing the a tag.
Similarly, the href attribute can point to local pages on your own site. Instead of a web address, href will simply point to the page itself. It would look something like this:
<a href=”about_pudgy_ninja.html”> About Pudgy Ninja </a>
Adding the target attribute will change the way the destination loads. Adding _blank will open the link in a new window. Other attributes will work with frames, however they are nearly completely useless at this point. Even opening a new window with _blank is rarely recommended. When needed, the code would look like this:
<a href=”home.html” target=“_blank”> Home </a>